When it comes to cleaning an older or wooden piano, it can be a little intimidating and challenging for most people. This is largely due to the fact that placing the wrong chemical or rubbing too harshly on a component can not only change the sound of the piano but may even ruin it entirely. Sure, we can live with a little dust but what a piano can’t live with is pests within it. Pests not only cause a hazard to the piano itself but to the well-being of the people residing within the home as well. The following list details what you need to know in order to protect your piano from these critters.
Close Points of Access
Depending on the time period in which the piano was built, it will have different access points. For example, a pre-WWII piano will contain a top lid that can easily be lifted to inspect the pipes within. Having this lid removed or opened regularly can invite small critters, such as spiders, to camp out within the pipes. The spiders will eventually create webs and even lay their eggs and—trust us—nobody wants that. Another area that most older pianos tend to have is on the bottom panels that are placed to access the bottom area of the piano. This one is a common access point for pests as people tend to accidentally push the panel open during use.
Regular Cleaning
Like most things in the home, pianos can attract dust, moisture, and—yes—pests. This is why regular cleanings are a must. While dusting and wiping off any dirty pipes, always make sure to avoid cleaning with strong chemicals. Adding chemicals to the interior of your piano can deter the quality of sound and damage the piano beyond repair. You should clean any spills immediately, as many kinds of ants are attracted to even the faintest hint of sugar.
Keep an Eye on the Legs
Wood floors attracting pests, such as termites, are a more specific circumstance, but it is one that is constantly glanced over. Too often the interior of the piano is what gets the most attention, but owners forget that the piano does not produce the pests itself—homes with wooden floors are a direct line to termites finding their way into your piano. Consequently, you should keep an eye on the legs of your piano. You can prevent termites from reaching the piano by adding a layer between the floor and the piano. If they are already present, using borates as a cleaning solution may be necessary.
Understandably, people want to keep their pianos in the most pristine condition possible. Pianos are not only musical instruments but a gateway to the past—a past that many families hold very dear to their hearts. Adhere to the list above to begin improving how you protect your piano and keep the pests away.