Ceri Clark Diaries for 2020-2021 – See the latest collection

The 2020-2021 collection of Ceri Clark diaries has been on Amazon for a while now but because of Covid and other problems this website wasn’t updated as quickly as it should have been. Still it’s now September, the schools are open and it’s time to add all the relevant diaries to the site.

Lots of diary designs for 2020 and 2021!

There are over 35 diaries to choose from and they grow each year.

Options available for Ceri Clark diaries are:


Many if not most of these are large print to make it easier to find the dates quickly and easily. There are also printed tabs running down the side to avoid them ripping through a year or more of use. Please use the ‘Look Inside’ option on Amazon to see what they look like as there are several internal designs to choose from.


If there is any format I haven’t covered with my diaries for 2020-2021, for example an academic year daily diary, send me a message using the contact form and I will try either to make one or include it in my list of to-do’s for next year.


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For more books on Amazon, take a look at my author page on there.

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