I was asked to do this review on the Amazon discussions site. I didn’t want to because I don’t think I should do a review unless I can honestly give four or five stars. I have to give this book three stars and this is why:
The Good News
This is well written. Some may disagree with me from some of the other reviews on Amazon but I was never distracted during this book because of mistakes. I am extremely forgiving of spelling and grammar errors, so if you find any, sorry! I don’t agree with reviewers who concentrate on this area. To me the story is everything.
The Bad News
I didn’t like it. I adore fantasy, which is why I created the Kindle under $3 fantasy book club. I am not fussy about what sub genre a book is in either. All I care is that I like the characters and the book is a good old yarn.
This brings me to the characters. Jason Blackrayne is a thoroughly reprehensible figure with as far as I can see no redeeming features. Your first impressions of him are made when you find out he sleeps with a nymphomaniac who goes to him for treatment (he is a shrink) and when he comes into some ‘powers’ he uses it to get women into bed.
Now all I’m saying is that I didn’t like it. There are probably a lot of people who would like this story. Just be aware it is quite sexist with descriptions such as leggy blond giving you a taste of the style of book.
Another turnoff was the amount of Christian hyperbole in the story. I found it immensely distracting and found myself flicking through the sections with exaggerated sighs – much to the annoyance of my husband. If you are happy to read pages of scripture, again you might like this book.
I haven’t read anything like it before and the whole point of the book club was to find literature in my favourite genre that I would probably never normally try. In this the club was successful, I would normally have given up after three chapters.
I liked the concept but I would have liked to see the guy go through something in the middle to make him seem a little more, well likable
As with all books, download a sample and see if you like it. It costs you nothing to try!