
The Night Watchman Express by Alison DeLuca

Untitled 1I enjoyed this one!

As an independent author, I am eager to help and read other indie authors. I set up a Fantasy Kindle Book Group on Kindle on Amazon discussions and also belong to the ABNA Writers Group on Facebook.

Now I’ve read quite a few books over the months and I came across some books which, ahem, I was very disappointed with but Allison DeLuca’s book is most definitely NOT in that category.

The Night Watchman Express kept me interested throughout the book. This is the book that doubters of Indie publishing should read, it shows that there are Indie books which can be and are of a high quality. In fact better than some main stream books I’ve read!

What is it about? Well it’s a historical fantasy but not the sword and sorcery variety. It is what I would call more of a realistic fantasy.

The main character is an heiress whose life is turned upside down when her guardians come to stay. Relegated to the attic, while her new ‘aunt’ and ‘uncle’ enjoy the trimmings her inheritance pays for, a governess suddenly appears who tames the wild creature the girl has become in her grief. The guardians have an important project which depends on a hidden device. This project has repercussions for not only the girl and their family but also a mysterious island.

The book poses a few questions, which are all (satisfactorily) explained through the book. Who is the Governess? Where did she come from? What is the device the guardians are looking for? What is the project?

The book is extremely well written and I truly cared about the characters. The fact I glared at my husband when he stopped me reading to get my attention says it all. When you read this book you will be drawn into a story that will melt reality away.

Go on buy it, you know you want to!


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The Night Watchman Express
Alison DeLuca

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Well I’m not going to write a blog post and not plug my book! :-):

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