I was asked by a friend how to add their books to their Amazon Author Profile. I thought possibly there may be others who may not know how to do this so I am giving back to the community with this blog post.
To add books to your Author Central profile (works on both .com and .co.uk sites):
- Sign in to Author Central.
- Click on Books
- Go to the bottom of the page where it says Are we missing a book?
- Click the yellow button which says add more books
- A list of books will appear with your author name in it. There is a button under each book. If it yours and you haven’t clicked on it yet it will be yellow. Click on it.
If the book isn’t there check how your name is spelt on the book on your Amazon page. If it is different from the one in the search box on the Amazon Central Books page type in the variant spelling. You should be able to find all your books this way.