I have decided to repost some of my old blog posts from the distant past when I was working as a School Librarian. Kids do the funniest things and I really enjoyed working in a school. Posts may be edited from the original blog. So this is part of a series from my old Batty Librarian Blog…
Apparently from various forums I have been reading, getting feedback from children from a book you are writing is pointless but still, I work in a school and I know quite a few good readers who like fantasy books, the genre I wrote my story in. …so I took the opportunity.
I gave the story to a couple of 11-12 year olds (year 7), the funny thing is, I never tend to see these two girls – only during Prep. I thought If I gave it to these ones then they wouldn’t see me all the time and feel pressurised into telling me what they think.
With this in mind I stayed away from the girls purposely. Except that one of the girls nagged me incessantly if she could finish it during prep on my computer. When she said she stayed up to four hours to read the book the night before, I felt so flattered I let her.
Not so good for me though as that was MY computer and I couldn’t do any work. On the other hand I justified to myself, I never get any work done during Prep anyway – most of the time is spent patrolling and yelling at people to be quiet.
So that was before half-term. I got some lovely feedback from her. I tried to ask her if the ending was too sudden or did she want more description but no she loved it all – You got to love her.
I didn’t see the other one until the end of last week – although I gave her the book at the same time. the great thing was I didn’t go up to her – she came bounding up to me saying she liked it.
Wonderful, I now just need to actually finish it. The story is finished but It needs editing. The problem is I keep getting nagged by the first girl when I am going to right the sequel… Aargh there is not enough hours in the day…