How Can Proper Training and Equipment Keep Kids Safe?

Unfortunately, injuries to children are all too common. No matter the sport or activity, if your child is doing any physical activity, it is vitally important that they know what they are doing and how to do it safely. This may involve training, purchasing proper equipment, and building a lifetime of safety habits. After all, we all want to keep our kids safe. Here’s an overview on how to do so.

Proper Technique

When it comes to exercising or any sort of physical activity such as playing a sport, teaching a teen the proper technique is of critical importance. This means that your teen must be taught proper technique and form. This is not a minor consideration as one of the leading causes of injury when it comes to working out or playing a sport is failure to use proper technique. This is an easy habit to learn, but one which still must be taught.

A Culture of Safety

Proper training and equipment are much more than just lessons in sports and exercise—they are about teaching your children a culture of safety. This means taking risks only when appropriate and necessary, and constant conversations about safety in all aspects of life. Remember, your kids will follow your lead and your behavior. When you’re around your kids, make sure you’re following proper safety culture so they can learn from your example. You owe it to them to be an appropriate model.

The Right Fit

Protective equipment is great, but it only works if it fits correctly. This may mean spending extra money to take your child’s equipment to be professionally measured, but this is an expense that’s well worth it. This is even more important with helmets, which can prevent a traumatic brain injury. It’s possible to suffer a concussion without showing any symptoms, and even minor concussions can cause long-term injury to your brain.

Start Them Young

It’s always easier to teach a kid the importance of safety and technique when they are young than when they are older. To that end, spend a good deal of time discussing the need for them to be safe and ensuring that they have the best protection when they play sports or work out. Children are more malleable than adults and if you model safe behaviors your child will surely mimic what they see. The result? A happy, healthy kid who is adventurous, but isn’t reckless.

The steps above are relatively simple, but they are also vitally necessary. If your kid’s safety matters as much as their happiness then consider the above suggestions. Injuries are often preventable by doing simple, easy things that can result in reduced risk of harming the physical health of your child. Remember, the time to teach your kids about safety in physical activity is before an injury, not after.

For more tips to help keep your

children safe, read this article:

Teaching Your Kids to Navigate the Streets Safely

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