Crossword #1 – From trains to family, can you guess the solution?

Hello, and welcome to my first free online crossword puzzle. Have a go and see how fast you can complete it!

Clues are at the top and to the left of the crossword puzzle grid. This is in case you have the grid larger in your browser and it is easier to go up or left to find the clues.

There will be regular free puzzles for the foreseeable future on this website, so check back to for more puzzles, (unless I get struck down by a meteor or kidnapped by aliens).

Crossword Clues


7 Raised stage (8)
9 “Kissing” relative (6)
10 Gift tag word (4)
11 Bordeaux site (4,6)
12 Kind of case (6)
14 Hired hand (8)
15 Too big or too small compared (13)
17 Corny quality (8)
19 Charge (6)
21 Chummy (5-5)
22 Docile (4)
23 Regarding this point (6)
24 Comparison basis (8)


1 “Mice” or “men” (6)
2 Bit (4)
3 Adversity, to use a nautical metaphor (3,5)
4 Arctic topper (3,3)
5 Deep, complex, satisfyig flavour (4-6)
6 Stew ingredient (4,4)
8 evergreen coniferous tree with spiral branches (6,7)
13 One of the oldest oilseed crops (6,4)
15 Stated with conviction (8)
16 Reason for savings (5,3)
18 Chest of drawers. (6)
20 Bright red (6)
22 Fashion (4)

Crossword Puzzle

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